
2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review This is a yearly ritual I like to do to get a sense of what I have accomplished throughout the year. You can find last year’s blogpost here. Summary The first few months of the year I went on an exchange at the University of Manchester. I learned to live and travel independently and developed some impactful friendships....

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A Critical Review

Practicing writing well Today I had an assignment for my writing class, the goal was to write a critical review on a journal paper, article or book. I decided to choose a topic that is deeply relevant to our time: usage of AI tools in computing education. I think I did a decent job, so I decided to share what I wrote. Critical Review This cri...

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Last Year of Undergrad

Life after GSoC A few days ago, I submitted my final report for the Google Summer of Code program. It marks a big milestone in my life, and perhaps my proudest achievement to date, but it is also only the beginning of many more interesting things to come. CVXPY updates The core contribution of the GSoC project, the stacked-slices backend PR...

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My GSoC application

The journey behind my proposal Today I just finished my last exam for this semester. It was on Convex Optimization, my favorite class of my undergraduate experience (so far!). I decided it was a good time to share with you a brief story about my growing interests in Optimization and CVXPY which culminated into an accepted proposal for Google ...

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Semester abroad in Manchester

Life as an exchange student Settling in My journey in the UK started with a two week vacation with my dad before the beginning of classes. We visited London, Edinburgh and Glasgow before heading to Manchester. In MCR we were welcomed by Edward (the son of an acquaintance of my mom’s). He cooked amazing chinese cuisine for us and we had an a...

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2022 Year in Review

My thoughts and experiences Things I learned At the beginning of the year I started learning C++ through a group project for a course. In the same semester, I learned about Turing Machines (Theoretical CS) and the basics of web development. I also did some Multivariable Calculus which I almost entirely forgot. Then, during the summer I had...

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Jane Street Puzzle

Explanation of my solution Die Agony - December 2022 See the puzzle here Initial Brainstorming Here is a copy of the grid from the puzzle: My first assumption was that the die was numbered from 1 to 6. However, after the first move, landing on '5', we are already unable to move anymore. Then I considered allo...

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Code to Give Hackathon

MoreGlean This past weekend I attended the Morgan Stanley’s Code to Give Hackathon in Montreal. The main idea was to build a web application that could connect farmers, gleaners and food banks. Gleaners refers to a group of people who are willing to collect additional crops from the farmers to avoid food waste. The winning team would receiv...

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